Monday 12 May 2014

Episode 7: HP Sauce

In this episode our heroes discuss the second deluxe expansion, Honour and Profit. We have made a deluxe episode to celebrate. It is a beast of a thing and it's all Honour and Profit all the time! You have been warned. Also new intro music by the lovely Ben Jones.


  1. Not finished listening but at ~25:00 can you talk me through how you think Hokusai and Psychic Field can kill you?

    My understanding is that Hokusai would have to be rezzed and the success of the run happens before the access. So either they take the 1 net from Hokusai, reducing their hand size and then Psychic Field gets rid of the rest or Hokusai does nothing.

    1. You're quite right StalkerB! I think we might need an errata page for this podcast.

  2. Hokusai would be rezzed at 4.3 (after the runner has declared they are going to access, and can no longer jack out), and then fires at 4.4 (run is successful, before card access). The runner would access it and Psychic Field at 4.5. So, I think you are right, StalkerB - these two cards would not kill a runner in combination. Now, if you are RP and they did this last click, hopefully you have a Neural EMP in hand to seal the deal next turn!

  3. Re: 28:30 Cerebral Casts - works great when the Runner has a loaded Kati. Especially if the Runner has been getting greedy making "cheap runs" with a low budget and doesn't have 2 credits to fully play the Psi Game (guaranteeing that I get to complete the CC).

  4. Boys congrat for the podcast. I was looking for a NT podcast that was beyond the usual: "this card is cool and this sucks" and I think I found it.

  5. You say the S&W is "Brap, brap" but personally I see it as "tick, tick, Boom!", or replace tick tick with click, click... ;)

    1. That is a solid alternative! You could also prefix it by saying "Well yo, are ya all ready for me yet?"
